Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Crisis at the Border

National borders have been created by human beings.  Men, women, children and the bond between parent and child were created by God.  As people of faith, we believe that no earthly authority has the right to destroy what God has ordained.

When this world was created by God, there were no lines drawn on it.  There were no national borders. Those have been established by human beings.

There is a role for earthly authority.  Governments need to maintain order, to ensure that the weak are not victimized by the unscrupulous, to ensure fairness and that all people do their share for the common good.

Governments do not have the authority to take children from their parents in a cynical attempt to gain leverage for some other agenda.  Governments do not have the moral authority to deny parents the right to flee violence and oppression so that their children can live.  Governments do not have the right to hold frightened children in cages just so they can “send a message.”

As people of faith, we believe that every human being is a beloved Child of God, made in God’s image and likeness. 
We are deeply troubled that our government has stepped beyond the bounds of decency and humanity, needlessly traumatizing children and parents.  We denounce any policy that piles even more suffering on some of the most vulnerable people in our hemisphere. 

The WISDOM network calls on President Trump to immediately end his “zero tolerance” policy at the border.  We call on Congress and the Administration to enact immigration laws and policies that value families and children, and that are based on compassion and care for every Child of God, no matter where they were born.

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